New Construction

  • Direct Insights into the Demands and Desires of Today’s Buyers
  • Nineteen Years of Sales History in in the Greater Los Angeles area
  • Linked to Top Internet Sites Most Frequented by Buyers
  • Stellar Relationships with the MLS Brokerage Community
  • Daily Research and Analysis of the Local Market
  • Regular Analysis of the Buying Public with Tailored Marketing Responses
  • Immediate Assessment of Buyers Likes and Dislikes
  • Time Spent Daily Exclusively Devoted to Generating New Leads
  • Nineteen Years of Daily Research on the Local Market
  • Current Residency and Property Ownership in Area
  • Up on the Latest Design Trends That Will Bring You the Highest Value
  • Knowledge in Areas of Zoning, City Planning and Entitling
  • Proven Track Record With Hundreds of  Property Sales
  • Proven Track Record of Achieving Higher Sales Prices and Faster Sales

Work With Todd

Todd works tirelessly to help his clients at the highest level possible. His goal is to ensure they win every time and he's passionate about that. They can see that Todd loves what he does and know that he always has their best interests at heart.

Let's Connect

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